Case studies

Electrical Source Imaging in the Preoperative Work-up of Refractory Epilepsy



Electrical Source Imaging estimates the underlying brain activity from the EEG using an electromagnetic model built from the patient‘s MRI. ESI of interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs) has been proven useful in the localization of the epileptogenic zone in the presurgical evaluation of refractory epilepsy patients, complementing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), and magnetoencephalography (MEG).


Despite the compelling evidence on the accuracy of interictal ESI, adoption into clinical practice has been limited. This is primarily because ESI is considered time-consuming and requires specific expertise in signal processing. Hospitals face significant challenges in managing such large volumes of EEG data, and manual ESI analysis is prone to variability, making it difficult to maintain diagnostic consistency and accuracy. This bottleneck not only delays treatment decisions but also places a heavy burden on the hospital’s neurological teams, limiting their capacity to serve patients effectively.


Clouds of Care houses an FDA-cleared and CE-marked medical device, Persyst ESI powered by Epilog, offering a fully automated ESI solution that makes use of state-of-the-art computational modeling techniques to provide a 3D EEG source localization to the hospital with minimum effort from the clinical user. Persyst ESI powered by Epilog is integrated into Persyst’s EEG Review and Analysis Software, allowing seamless adoption into the hospital’s existing systems and compatibility with all major EEG hardware.


The solution’s accuracy and consistency enhanced the clinician's capacity to make informed treatment decisions, improving patient outcomes. Moreover, by freeing up clinicians’ time, the hospital can optimize its service capacity, helping more patients without compromising quality. Our innovative ESI solution has supported numerous epilepsy centers across Europe and the United States.

Learn more about Persyst ESI powered by Epilog and its impact here:

Made possible by our curated DHT partners:

Persyst – The worlwide leader in EEG software
Clouds of Care

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